Monday, March 28, 2016

A world gone crazy.

Can I even imagine becoming a terrorist? What would it take to push me over the edge? Indeed, it would be very difficult to imagine. Easier to imagine moving to another galaxy. Easier to imagine an afterlife.  To imagine something I really wanted. A better life. Such as universal love. I have no desire to become a terrorist. But I have a desire to live forever. Possibly as a loving spirit. But I can’t imagine killing people. For virtually any reason. Or for a political or social cause. I’m even opposed to capital punishment. For terrorists. Better to treat them. For a disease. Because that’s what terrorism seems to be. A mental disorder. People gone crazy. I would want to find an alternative to terrorism. A better solution to a perceived problem. Is it a sense of righting/correcting an injustice? Is that what makes a terrorist? Maybe a terrorist feels there’s no solution to the perceived problem. Therefore, in frustration, the terrorist lashes out and takes to random killing. Of innocent people. Or maybe it’s that the terrorist feels everyone is at fault. Society is at fault. The economic, political and social systems. They are all at fault. And the only solution is to lash out. In destructive ways. Because there is no possibility of a constructive solution. In the terrorist mind. In the terrorist lifetime. So the terrorist says ‘To hell with everything. To hell with existence.’  It’s crazy, crazy, crazy. Yes, that’s the essence of terrorism. An example of a world gone crazy..--Jim Broede

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