Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Give me a better Julie.

It’s no coincidence. That I have no desire to change my very best friends. I’ve learned to  accept them. Unconditionally. Just the way they are. Even their weaknesses and foibles. But I confess. That I try to change some of my friends. Particularly, Julie. I keep insisting that Julie find ways to become happy.  Instead of what she has become. A recluse. In depression. An alcoholic, too. I still accept Julie. As a good friend. Despite her shortcomings. But Julie isn’t my best friend. It’s difficult accepting Julie. Unconditionally. I try to, of course  But it’s a struggle.  Being around Julie can be disconcerting. Because she’s almost always unhappy. Her dour mood rubs off on me. In negative ways. Therefore, I sometimes steer clear of Julie. For my own sake.  I’m not particularly proud of that. But that’s the way it is. I simply want a better Julie. The present one is unacceptable. --Jim Broede

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