Saturday, March 5, 2016

Saints who aren't.

One can care too much. About other people. I suspect that’s  true. For some care-givers. They forget to take care of themselves. Because they are being overwhelmed. By taking care of others. One might deem them saints. But I’m not sure about that. Especially if they work themselves to exhaustion. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. I’ve seen it happen. The wiser choice. Would have been. To slow down. To take respites.  Because if one isn’t reasonably rested, there’s a danger of exuding bad vibes. And that’s not good. Not only for the care-giver. But his patients, too. One starts to do more harm than good. This is one of my favorite themes. The importance of taking care of one’s self. If one can’t do that. One might not be ready to take care of others. Yes. Some perceived saints really aren’t saints. --Jim Broede

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