Saturday, April 23, 2016

A critical point.

My friend Julie cannot survive on her own. If left to her own devices, I doubt that Julie would last for more than a few months. She’d grossly mismanage her life. To the point of doing harm to herself and probably to others.  She needs help. To deal with depression and alcoholism. Lately, she’s been getting help. In an institutional setting. For a month. Now she’s at home. Where the only thing  saving her is the watchful eye and loving care of husband Rick. Without him on the scene, Julie would be in big trouble. That’s why Julie needs to go into an extended  drug rehab program or a mental health center. Where she will be cared for 24/7. Until she’s willing and able to cope with life – on her own. She’s in no condition to do that now. And Rick is running out of the patience and stamina to care for Julie. Yes, the relationship is at a critical point. Julie is reaching the do or die stage. Unfortunately, she does not recognize the degree of her mental illness. Otherwise, she would check herself in to a psychiatric ward. --Jim

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