Saturday, April 30, 2016

But still, awfully horrid.

My friend Julie. She’s not my favorite subject. Because. Too often. It’s bad news. Julie is trying to cope with a miserable downtrodden life. Burdened by two curses. Depression. And alcoholism. Julie is making a valiant effort. But so far, it’s not valiant enough. Julie went into therapy. To dry out. Yes, rehab. For an extended period. Imagine that. Forty-some days. Without a drink. Seemed successful enough. For Julie to come home. For a break. Before resuming institutional 24/7 therapy. But turns out. Julie wasn’t able to handle freedom. She relapsed.  Yes, a great disappointment. For Julie. And for everyone around her. A reminder, too. That an addiction is an addiction is an addiction.  A devastating disease. That has taken a toll. And control of Julie. Rather than Julie taking control of the disease. We’re all feeling let down. But we’re learning, too.  That there can be no let up. Alcoholism is a horrid malady. Maybe not as horrid as Alzheimer’s. But still, awfully horrid. --Jim Broede

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