Tuesday, April 26, 2016

In the amazing physical realm.

When I awaken. From a dream. Like I did this morning. I wonder. If my entire life is but a dream. So brilliant. So detailed. That it’s as if everything was real. Yes, no mere dream. Instead, real physical life. When really, it’s only a dream. Of someone. A spirit. Other than the physical me. And that ultimately. Instead of dying. I will truly awaken. Out of my lifelong physical dream. And become aware. Of who and what I am. Someone other than me. A spirit. Living a physical dream. For 80 years, and counting. Perhaps I will be in an advanced civilization. In a spirit dimension. Almost beyond my imagination. Where spirits are routinely put into dream states. So that one can live dreams  of physical lives. That seem so fantastically real. As if I had actually lived. In the amazing physical realm. --Jim Broede

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