Friday, April 8, 2016

One way or another.

Don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing. That Julie cares. Maybe excessively. About what people think. About her somewhat deplorable mental and physical state.  She’d like to keep secret.  That she has a weakness for alcohol. And that it has gotten her into trouble.  I leaked that information. To the nurse caring for Julie. In a place called a health and rehabilitation center. The new nurse had just come on duty. For the first time. And apparently the nurse had not been fully briefed. About why Julie was acting up. In an agitated and belligerent manner. So I informed the nurse. That Julie was in recovery.  In withdrawal. After going three weeks without a drink. Julie overheard what I told the nurse. And Julie was pissed. That I had volunteered the information.  And maybe she has a right be peeved. Yes, I have a big mouth. I believe in facing an issue. Head-on. With the truth. No secrets. That’s my nature. And it doesn’t always suit others. I rub some people the wrong way. Maybe I should be more cognizant, more respectful of Julie’s ways and concerns. Yes, some matters aren’t easily resolved. There are different approaches. To the common problem. I confess. Don’t always know what I’m doing. Blundering my way through life. In dealing with people. Sometimes I’m right. Other times, I’m wrong. Maybe that goes for all of us. But one thing is for sure. I’m willing to take risks. Every day. I was put on Earth. To live life.  One way or another. --Jim Broede

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