Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Proceeding on faith alone.

I‘m a believer. In what I want to believe. That’s my philosophical foundation. I make it up. As I go along. Thing is. Life is complex. And extraordinary. One will never fully understand everything. Therefore, I might as well follow my instincts. And create me. Into what I want to be. Yes, a romantic idealist. A spiritual free-thinker. A political liberal. A lover. A dreamer. A writer. A philosopher. Please note. That I keep adding to the list. I’ve evolved. Into a philosopher. Merely to make sense of life. Lately, I’ve been reading Plato, Aristotle, Socrates. And so many, many others. In the process, I’m forming my own philosophy. Of life. To suit my own needs. My own whims.Yes, believing what I want to believe. When there’s no absolute proof.  That’s no problem.  I proceed. On faith alone. To become. --Jim Broede

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