Tuesday, May 24, 2016

And may the funniest guy win.

Let’s pretend I’m a politician. Taking on Donald J. Trump.  Would I try to out-bombast him?  Of course not. Trump thrives on insults. He’s a master at it. Both on giving and taking verbal slaps. Instead, I’d keep labeling Trump as a bold-faced liar. He can’t go a minute without telling a lie. Could be, he even believes some of his own lies. Yes, Trump is a natural born liar.  He spouts lies encased and coated with smeary B.S. I’d make an enormous list of Trump’s smelly lies. Granted, some of Trump’s lies are entertaining. The funny, funny lies. But hey, let’s get serious. A lie is a lie is a lie. I’d give Trump credit. For making up audacious stuff. He’s taken the art of lying to a new and spectacular level. It’s Trump’s schtick. He does it well. With flamboyance. And his followers allow him to get away with it. Because they are entertained. So my goal would be to out-entertain Trump. I’d run a masterful comedian against Trump. A satirist. A guy such as Bill Maher.  Or Minnesotan Senator Al Franken. Indeed, that would make for the most entertaining presidential campaign ever. Full of raucous laughs. Never a dull moment. And may the funniest guy win. --Jim Broede

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