Friday, May 6, 2016

Living inside an insane asylum.

Donald Trump. I don’t know what to make of him. He’s gawdawful. In many ways. But if I had to choose from all of the Republican aspirants for president, give me Trump. Yes, Trump is a little less putrid than the rest of the gang. Anyway, I won’t vote for Trump. Give me Clinton or Sanders. They are more palatable to my political tastes. Not ideal. But acceptable. I might even be able to live with Trump. Because he really isn’t a tried and true conservative. He’s likely to tell some conservatives to go to hell. Indeed, that would be refreshing. Trump fancies himself as a dealmaker. A man who wants to get things done. One way or another. He’d even bargain with Democrats and liberals. In order to consummate a deal. He might chide and rile the uncompromising lunatic fringe Republicans. My resorting to political compromises. How refreshing! Trump, too, is an advocate of universal health care.  Medicare for everyone. That’s even better than Obamacare. Little wonder. That some conservatives claim Trump isn’t a true conservative.  In fact, occasionally he sounds downright liberal. Of course, he has some outrageously zany ideas.  Such as building a Chinese Wall along the Mexican border. And banning the entry of Muslims into the U.S.  But his weirdest ideas probably would never be implemented. Because of lack of political support. Face it. Not every politician is as crazy as Trump. Makes me wonder. If that’s a blessing. While living inside an insane asylum. –Jim Broede

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