Thursday, June 16, 2016

For the sake of my sanity.

Odd as it may seem, I don’t let tragic world events bother me. Maybe because I put distance between me. And the event. Such as the mass killings that occur periodically.  Or the blood baths in the Middle East. Or a horrendous plane crash.   I write off all that stuff. Because there’s virtually nothing I can do about it. But still, I’m bothered. By what may seem like far lesser things.  Troubled only because they are closer and more significant. To me. Personally. For instance, I would grieve over the loss of a family pet. Or become annoyed when the Chicago Cubs blow a baseball game. Or when I’m slighted by a rude  store clerk. Indeed, these things don’t measure up to real human tragedies. Therefore, I wonder if this makes me a callous jerk. But I’m inclined to believe. That I’m putting life in proper perspective. For the sake of retaining my sanity. --Jim Broede

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