Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Marking time. The right way.

Sometimes, it feels like I’m marking time. Standing in one place. Reflecting. An awareness. Of the undeniable fact. That I am alive. And conscious of my being. Maybe that’s the purpose of life. Not always being on the move. Yes, to mark time. By thinking about life. Enjoying this thought and that thought. An endless array of thought .Doesn’t matter. Whether I am gardening. Or walking to and fro. Or driving my jalopy. I’m always thinking. Something. A thought. That always leads. To a reminder. That I am very much alive. Cognizant. Marking time. In wonderful ways. Imaginatively. From my inner sanctum. I can go any place. At any time. Such as now. By sitting down. By going to bed.  Always.  Always. Marking time. Recognizing. That I have an abundance of time. Today. Today. I have all day. To appreciate and savor being alive. By merely thinking about the blessing of life. --Jim Broede

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