Friday, June 24, 2016

The danger of overconfidence.

The Chicago Cubs have made winning look too easy. Yes, that is cause for worry. Because the winning was beginning to look effortless. And players may have shown up. To merely go through the motions. Of course, that poses a danger. Little wonder. That the Cubs are on their longest losing skein of the season. Four games.  Normally, that might cause panic. For a diehard Cubs fan such as me. But believe me, I’m not panicking. I’m actually welcoming the losing streak. As an antidote for over-confidence. For too much swagger. I want the Cubs to learn to be humble. In winning. And in losing, too. That’s the way to pursue the ultimate prize. The Cubs first World Series championship in 108 years.  I want the Cubs to win slowly. Methodically. Confidence is good. But overconfidence can become bad. That’s why I want losing. Gracefully. To be a part of the best season ever. Give me a season with a balance of ups and downs. The worst thing that could happen to the Cubs. Is to have a grand and glorious regular season. Only to get bumped off. In the playoffs. Because of overconfidence. --Jim Broede

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