Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Do we covet a mean-spirited leader?

I don’t get it. Why? Why are politicians some of the most mean-spirited people in the world. Take Donald Trump, for instance. He’s a mean spirit. Through and through. I’d hate to deal with him. Because he’s downright nasty. He likes only people who agree with him. Who butter him up. Everyone else is a crook or a dimwit  --unfit to be  respected. Therefore, I am baffled. Unable to understand Trump’s political appeal. He’s wrapped up the Republican nomination for president.  With insults. He’s belittled everyone of his opponents. It’s uncanny. The comedian, Don Rickles. Uses insults. Meant as humor. But in Trump’s case, his insults are meant to be cruel. But a large chunk of the electorate is buying what Trump has to offer. Who knows? The world is full of surprises. Maybe Trump will become our most mean-spirited president ever. Strange as it may seem, maybe that’s what most Americans want. A leader with a mean spirit. --Jim Broede

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