Saturday, July 2, 2016

What does that say about me?

The TV is full of coverage on Bangladesh.  What concerns me. Is overreaction to these terrorist strikes. Makes for support for politicians such as Trump. They exploit people's fears. Alzheimer's claims many more lives each year than the terrorists do. Or gun deaths in the U.S. But we don't let that stuff faze us. We take it matter-of-factly. Until it comes to terrorism. I concede. Terrorism takes an awful toll.  But what about the war in Syria?  But what about the civilian toll in Iraq? So many, many human tragedies. Terrorism is a mere drop in the bucket. When it comes to the toll from human tragedies  occurring every day. I guess I've found a way to steel (protect) myself from the sad realities of life.  What does that say about me? --Jim Broede

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