Friday, September 23, 2016

At the very least, I am...

Come to think of it. An atheist can believe in a spirit world. And a so-called afterlife. No reason to bring religion into the discussion. It could be that everyone and everything evolves. Miraculously. Like a caterpillar that transforms. Into a butterfly.  From a being that crawls. Into a being that flutters in mid-air. From flower to flower. I want to go a step beyond being a butterfly. Becoming a spirit. That can drift from planet to planet and from galaxy to galaxy. Maybe that’s what the cosmos was built for.  For spirits to circumnavigate to places that would otherwise be unsuitable for human life. Yes, I know this sounds like a fairy tale.  Like science fiction. But I have an imagination. That can make it all seem so real. And maybe that’s good enough. That’s all one needs. To become spirit. And to enter another world. That’s just the way it is. I have become my own creator. I have made myself. Into a romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a writer, a lover, a dreamer. There’s no stopping me.  Some day, I am to become a spirit. A living, functioning spirit. All the more proof. That at the very least, I am a romantic idealist. --Jim Broede

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