Saturday, September 3, 2016

Better to be divinely blessed.

Some unknowing people think I’m rich. Because I don’t hesitate to live in Italy. For much of the year.  But I’ve discovered. That it’s cheaper living with my Italian amore. On the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. Than it costs me to live in Minnesota. I return home with more money in my bank account. Than when I left. My monthly social security and pension checks. Are more than enough to get me by. Incredible, you say? Of course, I’m living with my Italian amore. More or less for free. Other than paying for the usual conveniences of living adequately. By paying for normal expenses. Many of which come cheaper in Italy than in the U.S. It’s economical living in Europe. Take travel, for instance. By public transit. Trains. Buses. And low-cost local airlines. And it doesn’t bankrupt me if I have a medical emergency. Which happened two years ago. I spent eight days in an Italian hospital. Receiving the best of hospital and medical care. The total cost was around $6,000. Yes, that’s right. It’s not a typo.  I’m told that in America it would have cost at least $60,000. Perhaps considerably more. Truth be known, folks. I’m not monetarily rich. Better to be divinely blessed. And that, I certainly am. --Jim Broede

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