Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Until the next drink.

I try to be Julie’s friend. But it’s difficult. Dealing with Julie. Because she’s an alcoholic.  Not yet fully recovering. When Julie is sober, she’s a wonderful being.  When she drinks, look out. Her personality does a flip-flop. A dark and belligerent side emerges. Of course, I should be more understanding. But too often, I’m not. Better to back off.  Go away. And avoid encounters. Sometimes, I don’t retreat fast enough.  And there’s a clash. A confrontation. I might say and do the wrong thing.  When really, I should keep my mouth shut. And take the verbal abuse. And come back another day. Or maybe not at all. But I can’t do that. Because the next day, the good Julie is back. She’s all sweetness and light again. Until the next drink. --Jim Broede

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