Monday, October 31, 2016

My kind of people.

I suspect that many people are reluctant to share their inner thoughts.  Not me. That’s what written musings are all about. To be shared. In many instances. Not merely with one’s self. But with friends and acquaintances. And strangers, too. It’s a way of getting to know one’s self. And others, too.  It’s a way to connect. True friends. Learn to open up to each other. Oh, all right to be reclusive, too. If that makes one feel comfortable.  On the other hand, sharing one’s self has benefits. It helps to draw out my friends. Makes them more open. More truthful. Yes,  maybe even more daring. I learn significant stuff about just-met strangers. In the first 10 minutes. Because I’m curious.  I want others to be curious, too. Often, it’s a sign that they are in love. With life. My kind of people. --Jim Broede

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