Saturday, October 29, 2016

The polite way of putting it.

Name me a politician without character flaws. I dare say. You can’t do it. They all fall short. One way or another.  But some are a little more honest than others. Maybe that’s the nature of life. It’s difficult. Being truthful. Not only to others. But to ourselves.  Maybe we lie. Out of force of habit. So that the world seems more grand and glorious. Than it really is. When it comes to politics. To a presidential election.  My choice. Always boils down to who’s the more decent human being.  It’s an easy choice. This time around. The difference is between night and day. Hillary Clinton makes me think. That the sun is shining. Donald Trump brings me the awful darkness of an endless and gloomy night. Yes, that’s the polite way of putting it. --Jim Broede

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