Saturday, November 26, 2016

The court jester.

I’m fearful. That we live in an age of personality. Not political issues anymore. Issues don’t matter. Voters don’t care about issues. Doesn’t matter whether the president has a liberal or conservative agenda. Or if a new Supreme Court justice backs a liberal or conservative agenda. Instead, we want the most interesting and entertaining personality representing us. Above all else, we want to be constantly entertained. That’s the important thing. Donald Trump was a far more entertaining choice than Hillary Clinton. Hillary is a bore. Trump is so unpredictable. So much more entertaining. By poking fun at his opponents, his rivals. Calling them by absurd names. By being downright nasty. And satirical. By telling absurd lies. One couldn’t tell whether he was being serious or not. What counted, instead, was that he conducted himself as a masterful showman. An entertainer. A clown. A goofball.  Who dared blurt whatever came to his ribald mind. No script to follow. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton remained on the traditional political script. Boring. Boring. Boring. No match for an empty-head. Yes, we’ve elected what we always wanted. And so richly deserve. The court jester. --Jim Broede

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