Friday, November 18, 2016

Without knowing the price.

I sense. That sizeable elements of the populace want political change. Mostly for the sake of change. Doesn’t matter what kind of change. Just as long as it’s change. Because we’ve been sold a bill of  goods.  That America is no longer great. As if we were ever great. It’s all a hoax. Think about it. We’re told.  In sound bites. That we’ve lost control of our destiny. That we should be fearful. Of our leaders. Therefore, we need a dramatic change in course. Politically. Economically. Socially.  But mostly politically. Ah, such a great opportunity. For a charlatan. For a snake oil salesman. For an entertainer. To show us the way.  Doesn’t matter that he’s a liar. A braggart. A philanderer. A narcissist.  The important thing. Is that he promises change. And we believe him. That’s the scary part. We’re willing to sell our souls.  Without knowing the price. --Jim Broede

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