Monday, December 12, 2016

I'm asking anyway.

The game of politics doesn’t have to be nasty. It can be bipartisan. Respectful. Erudite. Friendly. Courteous. Yes, imagine that I have a disagreement. With another human being. On the other side of the political spectrum. How can we resolve our differences? Is it possible to see and grasp each others' perspective. Objectively. In an attempt to find common ground? And thereby work for compromise. For the sake of our country. For the common good. I think so. Maybe that makes me naïve. Too stupid to know that isn’t the way politics works. And maybe never will. Instead, by its very nature, politics must be partisan. Downright nasty. A take-no-prisoners approach. With clear-cut winners and clear-cut losers. One side or the other has to prevail. Of course, I don’t believe that. I’m a political Pollyanna. Thinking our differences can be ironed out. Without going to bloody war. If only we became  rational and reasonable. And respectful of each other. If we learned to not lie and cheat. And acted like decent human beings. Rather than like disgusting political scoundrels. Hey, maybe that’s too much to ask. But I’m asking anyway. --Jim Broede

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