Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Taking control.

I’m told. To let things be. Especially the stuff over which I have no control. Such as having Donald Trump as our president-elect. I’m not supposed to let it matter. In the grand scheme of life. But it does matter. To me. I can’t help it. Some things matter. Other things don’t. I’m upset. To have a man such as Trump. Becoming our next president. It would be frustrating. At least I can write about it. I  can protest. In words and thoughts. I can call for a political revolution. For a taking to the streets. For a cleansing of the American political system.  People that voted for Trump tell me that’s what Trump will bring. A revolution. A changing of the body politic. But I’m afraid. That it’s not the change I want. I don’t want a conservative agenda. I’m a political liberal. Have been. For a long, long time. I would have voted for Bernie Sanders. If he had been the nominee.  Trump represents much of what I abhor. To tell me that I can’t do anything about it. Is to take away my freedom of expression. My freedom of speech. My right to call for and work for a revolution. That brings a liberal political agenda. To America. On my calling card. I identify myself as a romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a lover and a dreamer. I’m a writer, too. Yes, all this happens to be me. And I will stand for what I am. And for what I believe. There’s no stopping me. When it comes to what matters most. To me. Yes, I intend to take control of my life.  --Jim Broede

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