Sunday, January 22, 2017

A thoughtless day.

I like to spend days thinking about stuff to think about. Putting them all down. On a list. Doesn’t mean I’ll think about them today or tomorrow or next week. Instead, it gives me satisfaction. That these subjects are worthy of thought. Whenever I happen to get around to it. Which may be never.  Because I have too much to think about. And if I think about everything. I’ll be overwhelmed. And might even go crazy. Little wonder. That I try to pace myself. I become a man of moderation. And I brag about it. To my Italian amore. I tell her. That she sometimes thinks too much. About too many things. But that she, too, can take a moderate approach. But it’s strictly her decision. After all, she is a profound thinker. And can handle more thought than I. Indeed, that’s meritorious.  But one can overdo a good thing. Best to get respite. By scheduling a totally thoughtless day. Once in a while. --Jim Broede

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