Thursday, January 12, 2017

Amidst all the turmoil.

I like Putin and Russia.  Donald Trump likes Putin and Russia. Ah, common ground. I like the idea of the U.S. and Russia being super powers. Working together. To make the world a better place. It would be all right, too. If China joined in. And made it a triumvirate. Three behemoth powers. Guiding the way to the common good. That’s one of my nicest dreams. Of course, maybe I’m having a nightmare. Doesn’t really matter. What will be, will be. I’ve lasted 81 years. Through a world war. And other conflagrations. And assassinations.  And political upheavals.  Didn’t stop me. From falling in love. With life. Strange, isn’t it?  Wonderful, too. To feel blessed. Amidst all the turmoil. --Jim Broede

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