Saturday, January 28, 2017

The quest for the good life.

I want the good life. But that leaves an unanswered question. What is the good life? I’m assuming that I have the good life. Because I’m alive and conscious and reasonably healthy.  At age 81. Of course, I could wish for more. Enough for me to have an extra good life. But hey, I’m not hard to please. So I can settle for plain good. And be happy with it.  Maybe I could be happier. If I had more.  But then, maybe I could be happier with less. I wonder how many of my friends and associates would call their lives good. I haven’t asked them. Maybe I should. I could even implore them to define the good life.  Could be that several of ‘em have bad lives. As for improving my own life, I’d start by doing with less. I have far too much material stuff. From clothes to food to appliances. More books than I can read. More recorded music than I could listen to in a lifetime.  Even more friends than I need.  Hopefully, they need me. In their quest for the good life. --Jim Broede

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