Thursday, January 19, 2017

The wonderful absurdities.

My approach to life works for me. Not necessarily for others. Thing is. I know me. Up close, Intimately. I understand my needs. My wishes. My desires.  Call me unique. One of a kind. Sounds a little egotistical, doesn’t it? But really, I’m a humble fellow. Merely exercising my right to do what’s best. For me, in particular. Of course, others have the same right. To tailor their lives. In their own unique manner. In whatever way works. Better being true to one's self. Rather than being a copycat. Yes, think for one’s self. A good adage to follow. Even though that may lead to mistakes. But what the heck? Blunders can be converted into learning experiences. Yes. Yes. I have benefited. From errors in judgments. That turned into blessings. As I stumbled  into good times. Another example of the wonderful absurdities of life.  --Jim Broede

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