Monday, February 6, 2017

A believer. In the spirit.

As I see it, everyone is entitled to his/her own religion.  Or no religion at all, for that matter. Yes, I believe in freedom of choice. I am, personally, not very religious.  Instead, I’m spiritual. There’s a difference.  Religions tend to be organized. Often with rigid systems of belief. That must be endorsed or adhered to. In order to qualify for membership. That’s certainly not for me.  Nobody tells me what to believe. I simply believe what I want to believe. Mostly in the existence of a spiritual realm. No doubt, I have a spirit. And I suspect that most everyone has a spirit. That’s what I cultivate. My unique spirit. My unique soul. As far as I can tell, spirit and soul are essentially one and the same. It’s up to me to explore the dynamics of my free-thinking spirit. Yes, I’m proud to say. My spirit thinks for itself. My spirit also has a desire to escape, eventually. So it will no longer be encapsulated in my physical body. Thus making it a complete and genuine free spirit. Of course, this may sound like nonsense. Especially, to people who favor the security and safety and comfort of organized religions. Many such folks prefer being told what to believe. As for me, I prefer to be free to think for myself. Without the dictates of an organized and traditional religion. So here I am. A self-styled spiritual free-thinker. A true believer. In the spirit. --Jim Broede

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