Saturday, February 25, 2017

Call me Fearless Jim

I don’t get it. When politicians. Such as Donald Trump. Tell me. That I should be living in fear. Of illegal immigrants. Of refugees. And of people from Muslim countries. Fear. Fear. Fear. That seems to be the message. And we are supposed to elect Trump and other fear-mongers. To protect us. As far as I’m concerned. That’s hogwash. Trump doesn’t want me to trust anyone. Not even the news media. Instead, Trump wants me to look at him as the nation’s protector-in-chief. If I ever become that stupid, please put me out of my misery. Anyway, I’m trying to be a fearless fellow. A trustful lover of mankind, period. At the moment, the only person I don’t trust. Is none other than Donald Trump --charlatan, snake oil salesman and goofball. – Fearless Jim

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