Monday, March 6, 2017

A happy and splendid fool.

Could be that we humans aren’t all that special. Merely another breed of animal. Glorified apes. With the ability to think. Because we have language. Physically, we are constructed like animals. We even slaughter and eat other animals. In order to survive. Many of us assume that we have souls. But that other animals don’t. That we are entitled to an afterlife. But maybe we are only deceiving ourselves. Could be. That when we die, we die. There is nothingness. Some of us yearn. For a hereafter. But it’s possible that there is no hereafter. This life is all we’ve got. When it’s over, it’s over. Easy come, easy go. But still blessed. To have grasped the wonder of life. For precious moments. No remorse. Of course, I have the right. To believe in an afterlife. For no other reason. Than I simply want to. Doesn’t matter if I’m wrong. Yes. Yes. I have the right. To be a happy and splendid fool. --Jim Broede

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