Wednesday, March 15, 2017

It's called love.

 I presume that many Christians keep asking themselves: What would Jesus do in any given situation? Of course, one doesn’t need be a Christian to pose such a query. I’ve  often asked. With surprising and gratifying results. Learning that Jesus, much like the creator himself, is one of the guys. One wouldn’t hesitate sitting down with him. And having a beer. Or a glass of wine. I’ve often imagined a conversation with Jesus. It felt so real. And enlightening. He’s guided me. To where I am today. A romantic idealist. A spiritual free-thinker. A political liberal. A lover. A dreamer. He keeps telling me. That there are many ways to the truth. Seek and ye shall find. And this is what I’ve found. I’m comfortable with being a free-lancer. Maybe as comfortable as a fundamentalist Christian. Jesus seems to think that we are both right. In our own unique ways. He wants us to learn to respect each other. It’s called love. –Jim Broede

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