Saturday, March 18, 2017

Particular me.

I do and don’t like to be busy. Depends on the situation. And my mood. Maybe what I’m saying. Is that I differentiate. Between busy. And too busy. Sometimes, I’m overwhelmed by the activity in my life. That’s too busy.  But if I’m simply occupied. And flowing smoothly. That’s the ideal. And generally what I aim for. I have plenty of friends and acquaintances. Who gripe. About having too much to do. Of course, I suggest that they alter their schedules. And slow down. Life was meant to be pursued at either a slow or moderate pace. Not in a hurry. Yes, I’m for speed limits. Setting time aside. For smelling the daisies and petunias.  And not too much time sniffing the roses. Goes to show. I’m particular. --Jim Broede

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