Saturday, April 15, 2017

Good enough for now.

I tend to believe what I want to believe. About the nature and essence of life. That includes the stuff that can ‘t be proved one way or another. Beyond a reasonable doubt. Such as spiritual and religious matters. Requiring some degree of faith. Therefore, it makes sense to believe what I truly want to believe.  Because that will make me happy. And content. At peace with myself. That’s why I believe in a holy spirit.  And not in any particular religion. It’s so much easier believing in the invisible spirit. Because I can feel the spirit. From within my being. I sense it.  Yes, it could be as simple as merely wanting to sense positive and thrilling vibes. Emitted directly to me. To help me understand something beyond my intellectual grasp. Yes, I’m being constantly nudged. Used to be that I needed absolute proof. To believe anything. But then I came around to believing whatever comes naturally. It amounts to having faith in myself. In my inner being. In my soul, so to speak. Otherwise, I would not have all the answers. And that’s what I want most. All the answers. That fit neatly. Into a package. Yes, that’s good enough for now. --Jim Broede

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