Saturday, April 1, 2017

No thanks, to loneliness.

 Hard for me to grasp. Being lonely. Because it’s so easy to occupy my mind. I suspect that lonely people are bored. With life. They don’t need to be. Because life has so much to offer.  Sometimes, it’s hard for me to choose what to do next. So many options. Stuff that intrigues me. A simple thought. About loneliness.  So absurd. Because I have no reason to be lonely. I write it off. As fast as thinking about it. Better to get on with life.  And shove loneliness aside. If there’s no one else around. To cajole me. To give me sustenance. I merely start a conversation. With myself.  With my many different personalities. I’m having too much fun to be lonely. It helps, of course, to be in constant pursuit of happiness. To be lonely, connotes being unhappy. I’ll experiment. And pretend that I’m lonely. Just for kicks.  Sometimes, that causes me to lapse into solitude. But that’s not the same as being lonely. Some of my most idyllic and satisfying moments are captured on sojourns into solitude. I could be lost in solitude for years, and never be lonely.  Maybe I would become addicted to solitude. No fear of that happening. Because it would be a positive addiction.  I’d resist being cured. --Jim Broede

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