Monday, April 17, 2017

My turn to be humble.

I can choose. Whether to let stuff bother me. Occasionally, I go several days . Without being bothered by anything.  And then, when I am finally bothered. Turns out that it was over trivial stuff. And I really didn’t have to be bothered. For instance. For the last three days, I’ve been bothered by the Chicago Cubs. Being swept in three straight games. By the Pittsburgh Pirates. Hey, that’s not supposed to happen.  Consider. Last season the Cubs played Pittsburgh 18 times. And won 14 of the games. Lost only 4. The Pirates are supposed to be patsies. It bothers me. Very much. That the baseball gods. May have decided on a role reversal. And it’ll be the Cubs playing patsy. This season. As the price the Cubs must pay. For being allowed to win the World Series last year. But I’ve been spoiled. I want the Cubs to build a dynasty. And to win the World Series. Again and again and again. Yes, I have become greedy. Therefore, the baseball gods are telling me. It’s my turn. To be humble and contrite. --Jim Broede

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