Friday, April 21, 2017

Time will tell.

Fear. Fear. That’s what I sense. Is taking over the world. Fear. Fear. Lack of confidence in our political systems. We have lost faith in democracy.  Therefore, we have allowed an autocrat, namely Donald Trump, to come to power. Maybe that would be all right. If Trump was a political genius and a decent human being. But Trump is an outlandish know-nothing egomaniac. As are so many autocrats. Unfortunately, a fearful know-nothing element of the electorate was willing to take a chance. Duped. Into believing a pompous know-nothing really knew something. And we are stuck. For four painful, excruciating years. With a know-nothing nincompoop. That’s the way I see it, folks. Hope I'm wrong. And that I’m the know nothing ignoramus. Time will tell. --Jim Broede

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