Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Looking down. On the ant hills.

I wish. To some day recognize superior forms of life. That may be observing us. At this very moment. Without us knowing it. Because we are too blind, too stupid, too ill-equipped. To be on their level of intelligence. Imagine the gap that separates us.  Take an ant, for instance. With no possibility of ever grasping the reality of human life. Despite sharing the same planet. Meanwhile, I and other humans can easily grasp the nature of life in an ant colony.  Indeed, a blessing. For us. That we have the ability to directly observe and understand the ants. The so-called lower forms of life. Chances are. We humans are being observed, too. By vastly higher forms of life. Who perceive us. As low-lives. In much the same manner. As we look down. On the ant hills. --Jim Broede

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