Thursday, December 7, 2017

Unconditional friendships.

I’m willing to forgive my senator, Al Franken, for his indiscretions. Being disrespectful to women. But that’s really not my call. It’s up to the women. To forgive or not to forgive. It’s easier for me. I’m not the victim. I’d not do what Franken did. Thing is. I consider Franken a friend, of sorts. Though I’ve never met him. But what I’ve seen of him. Convinces me that he’s a funny comedian and a decent human being. With foibles, of course, like most every politician. He’s been good for Minnesota. And I’d vote for him again and again. Because he’s for what I deem a very moral political agenda. Yes. Yes. He needs to cultivate more respect for women. Which I have faith he will do. I sense he’s learned his lesson.  And that he will be a better man (and senator) for it. Like everyone else, Franken isn’t perfect. But he’s a good enough politician. For me. Fair and mostly honest and forthcoming. Willing to cross the aisle. To get things done. Anyway, count me as a forgiving guy. Especially when it comes to my dearest friends. Yes, I believe in unconditional friendships. --Jim Broede

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