Monday, January 22, 2018

The brutal truth.

Shrewd politics. Shrewd politics. Republicans are far better at it. Than Democrats. Because Republicans are natural born connivers. They lie. They cheat. They make up stuff. And for the most part, Americans are gullible. They’ll believe that East is West. That bad is good. That day is night. If one is told it. Often enough. Preferably in sound bites that last less than 8 seconds. That’s the maximum attention span of Trump voters. Not all, by any means. But most of ‘em. My Trumpian friends (yes, I have a few) think I’m kidding. Joking. But I’m not. I’m deadly serious. They’re the problem. Not Trump. They are downright stupid. Little wonder. That I’m losing my Trumpian friends. Because they can’t face the truth. The brutal truth. --Jim Broede

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