Sunday, January 28, 2018

The same old thoughts.

Wish I had an original thought. A thought that was never thought before. By anyone. But to the best of my knowledge. Every thought I’ve ever had was thought of before. Probably many, many, many times. How often does anyone come up with a completely original thought? Oh, it happens. I’m sure. But it hasn’t happened to me. Maybe I should consider that a personal shortcoming.  A failure. An indication that I’m not all that smart. But hey, I live with it. And take the view. That if I keep striving. Some day, I’ll yell, ‘Eureka. I just thought of something nobody ever thought of before.’ But after diligent research, I shuffle away. Disappointed.  Turns out, thousands of people had the same old thought. Over the ages. All the way back to prehistoric times. --Jim Broede

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