Friday, January 12, 2018

This time, I stayed awake.

The beautiful tapestry. Not sure how long it was. Could be a mile, or more. Never seen the likes of it before. Depicted goings on. In Normandy. In 1066. In the time of William the Conqueror.  Anyway, it’s on display. In a darkened long, long corridor. An annex. To the Gothic Cathedral. In Bayeux, my favorite French small town. Where I could live in ecstasy. Forever.  Not so much because of the amazing tapestry. But because of the cathedral, an architectural wonder that has dominated the Bayeux scene for over 1,000 years. For one entire afternoon, I sat in the silence and solitude of the cathedral. I could get in the habit of doing this. On a daily basis. In order to refresh my soul. I am jealous. Of the French people. Because they have access to Gothic cathedrals. Even in small towns. Such as Bayeux. When I wasn’t in the cathedral, I’d be scanning the awesome tapestry. Though confessing. That I retreated to a darkened alcove. And fell into a blissful sleep. Only to be awakened. By the curator. Who told me, they were closing. That I could come back. In two hours. Which I did. This time, I stayed awake. Long enough. To view the entire tapestry. --Jim Broede

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