Wednesday, January 17, 2018

To the end of the rainbow.

Yes. Yes. I have a purpose. And over-riding reasons. To be. Rather than not to be. Mainly, it’s the pursuit of happiness. I know who and what I am. And how to achieve my goals. I proclaim it. Every time I hand out my business card. My identity card. I have become a romantic idealist. A spiritual free-thinker. A political liberal. A lover. A dreamer. A writer. I proclaim it here. And everywhere. Daily. This is me. A guy in perpetual pursuit of happiness. And I find it. Time and time again. Even when I have moments of despair. I still go to bed. Every night.  With ample reason to be happy. I fall asleep. Knowing that I will wake. And still be me. Thank gawd. An updated and evolving version. But always headed. In the right direction. To the end of the rainbow. --Jim Broede

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