Sunday, February 18, 2018

Makes me wonder.

My brother was an atheist. A good guy, too. Kindly. Compassionate. Trustworthy. I’ve evolved. In a significant different direction. As a non-denominational spiritual free-thinker. I believe in a creator. Not in the exact same way as members of some conservative organized religions. I’ve been occasionally called an atheist. Doesn’t faze me. After all, I know better. With certainty. I have direct conversations. With my creator. He’s just as kind and compassionate as my dear brother. Who’s no longer residing on Planet Earth. He’s up there. Somewhere. A free spirit. Roaming the cosmos. Yes, Bruce, now has reason to believe. In the afterlife.  He’s living it. It’s up to him. To decide whether this is courtesy of a creator. For all I know, he may still be a confirmed atheist. He’s stubborn that way. Majored in philosophy. At the University of Wisconsin. Meanwhile, I went to a small liberal arts college. With Evangelical ties. And a seminary on the same campus. I had a double major. English and History. Indeed, an experience quite different. Than that of my brother. Makes me wonder. If we had traded our life experiences. Would I have been more like my brother? And my brother more like me? Gives me something to think about. And to discuss. Next time. With my creator. --Jim Broede

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