Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Mesmerized. Within the moment.

How many of you live interesting lives? So that. Almost every day. You are captivated. By an event. Or a thought.  If not. What are you missing? Look around. There must be something. That you’ve overlooked. I just glanced out a window. And spotted a rickety old wagon wheel. Leaning against a tree. With half of the wooden spokes missing. Could be. That the wheel dates back to the early 20th century. Maybe even the 19th.  I picked it up. Decades ago. At a farm auction. Quite possibly. I hadn’t noticed the wheel. For years. Now I see it. As a work of art. A thing of beauty. Years ago. I would have fetched a camera. To record the scene. But today. I chose to be mesmerized. Within the moment. --Jim Broede

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