Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Yes, I'm making up.

Thinking today. About how much a cat. Dear Marcello. Adds to my life. What a blessing. He’s a major source of my happiness. Interesting, isn’t it? I grew up. Without any pets. Mother was opposed to pets. Didn’t think we kids. Would tend to a dog. And she’d be the responsible one. Too much work. Too much cleaning up. Anyway, things changed. For me. When I got married. There was never any question about it. Jeanne came with three dogs. Including a very protective German shepherd.  And a blind cocker spaniel. I was hooked. And not long thereafter, daughter Kiki brought home a stray cat. I protested. To no avail. And I became the one that welcomed strays. Dogs and cats. As many as five stray cats at one time. I’m hopelessly in love. With cats. Before Marcello, it was Loverboy. Yes, I’m making up. For what I missed in my youth. Better late than never. --Jim Broede

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