Friday, March 9, 2018

Dirty tricks and mean spirits.

Dealing with mean-spirited people. That’s one of the big issues in my life. Mostly, I try to ignore the mean rascals. Yes, steer clear. When I can . But can’t always do that. For instance, there’s a guy on the Alzheimer’s message boards. With a mean spirit. He trolls my posted threads. Maybe 25 at a time. He can do it. In half an hour. By adding a single mundane sentence. At the bottom. Automatically forcing those threads up to the top of  post listings. And it looks like I posted ‘em all. In a single day. So he criticizes me. For taking over the message board. By posting as many as 25 new posts in a single day. Truth be told. He manipulated all this by making my old posts look like new ones.  Neat trick, isn’t it? Mean trick, too. He’s got a bunch of ‘em in his arsenal. Mostly, I try to ignore the mean-spirited. But occasionally, they have to be brought to task. Message boards also tend to form cliques. To go after someone they don’t like. Probably for little or no reason. With dirty tricks. That they learned from experts. Namely, politicians. --Jim

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