Saturday, March 17, 2018

Enough to drive me crazy.

I’m convinced. Beyond a doubt.  That Donald Trump. Has a very, very mean spirit. In that sense, I compare him to an Adolf Hitler. Doesn’t mean that Trump will commit crimes and misdeeds equal to Hitler’s. Only that he has the potential.  To be a war criminal, or worse. To commit atrocities. Beyond the pale. Without qualms of conscience. Like Hitler, Trump is a head of state. In a position of extraordinary power. And here I sit. As a powerless sideline observer. Feeling helpless. With no other choice. Than letting history pass by. Yes. What will be, will be. Hitler was Hitler. Trump is Trump. All I can do. Is watch the plot unfold. Day by day. Hour by hour. It’s enough to drive a guy crazy. --Jim Broede

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