Sunday, March 18, 2018

Please gawd, make it happen.

I’m right. And everybody else is wrong. I know it all. Also, I happen to be the president of the United States of America. And I intend to do pretty much as I damn well please. That’s the daily script. Unfolding in the White House. Wish it weren’t so. A few years ago, I would never have imagined such a scenario.  It would have been preposterous. But welcome to the real world everyone. This is the cold and brutal world. I’d like to be able to pick up. And write the ending. I’d start. By having men in white coats. Invading the oval office. Placing a tranquilized Donald Trump securely in a straightjacket. For hauling away to the finest mental health hospital.  Staffed by the world’s finest psychotherapists. Yes. Yes. Let’s acknowledge. That our president deserves the finest treatment. With no expense being spared.  And let this be a case study. With a happy ending. No world disaster.  And Trump on the road to recovery. Please gawd, make it happen. --Jim Broede

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