Thursday, March 22, 2018

To deviate. Beyond the pale.

I’m a hard guy to figure out. And that’s the way I want it. Preferring to stay in a constant state of flux. With new ideas. Springing to mind. Virtually every day. An idea I had yesterday. May be outmoded already. Time to move on. Oh, I still remain a romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker and a political liberal. But the definitions are subject to change. Often refined. On a daily basis. To adjust to a particular situation. On the fly. Furthermore, I’m a man of changing moods. If I’m happy, I’ll do one thing. If I’m downcast, it’ll be another. But by bedtime, I’m well adjusted. Relaxed. Ready for a good night’s sleep. Comfortable. That I have my act together. Even after a disruptive day. Intrigues me. That some people think I’m crazy. Or in depression.  When I’m happy as a lark. Chirping away. Savoring the many wonders of life. Maybe in strange ways. But that’s precisely what makes me buoyant and blissful. My strangeness. It’s often misconstrued. As abnormal behavior.  Simply because it’s different.  Out of the mainstream. But that’s my primary purpose. To deviate. Beyond the pale. Yes. Yes. Makes me feel. Like a superior being. With boundless opportunities.  To be creative. --Jim Broede

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